Institut Ramon LLull

Jaume Ayats i Abeyà, Joan Coromines Visiting Chair of Catalan Studies this Spring at Chicago University

Culture.  Chicago, 30/04/2018

To sing together “a veus” (Multipart) has historically been an experiential way to build social groups. The aim of this course is to present this activity across Catalonia from the XVIth century until XXIst century, paying special attention to how Multipart Singing has articulated a large part of association and shared community life since the middle XIXth century. The Catalan example will be placed among Multipart Singing in Mediterranean Latin countries, where the phenomenon is shared with great intensity. 

Jaume Ayats i Abeyà is Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the current director of the Barcelona Museu de la Música. He received his PhD from the UAB in 1997 and is the author of several books on the history of Catalan popular and religious music, including Els Segadors: de cançó eròtica a himne nacional (2011), Cantadors del Pallars: Cants religiosos de tradició oral al Pirineu (2010), Cantar al coro, cantar a la fàbrica (2008). He has also published articles and edited several volumes on Mediterranean traditional music.

Prof. Ayats i Abeyà will be teaching a course on Catalan Multipart Singing in Modern and Contemporary History: from Religious Brotherhoods to Taverns and Choir Societies this Spring 2018-2018 for students of Music, Humanities and Catalan literature at the University of Chicago.

More information: here.

Jaume Ayats i AbeyàCatalan Multipart Singing in Modern and Contemporary History: from Religious Brotherhoods to Taverns and Choir Societies