Institut Ramon LLull

Selected projects for the Cinema Script Writing residence at Faberllull Olot

Artes.  OLOT, 09/04/2021

The projects selected by the commission for the stay of writing feature film scripts in the treatment phase (promoted by the Institut Ramon Llull, with the support of the Catalan Film Academy and the Associated Screenwriters of Catalonia (GAC)) have been the following nine: “Festina Lente”, by Núria Dunjo and Carlos Villafaina; “Nena,” by Gabriel Ochoa Peris; “La Belleza”, by Irene Moray, Irene Solà and Jan Matheu; “Els homes i els dies”, by Arnau Vilaró; “Criatures”, by Víctor Sala; “Mala gent”, by Sara Gutiérrez Galve and Núria Roura; “Quan torni l'estiu”, Natàlia Boadas, Laura Azemar and Marta Vivet; “La jugada”, by Pau Subirós; "Oh Nora", by Aina Clotet.

The selected people will stay in residence in Faberllull Olot from 17 to 31 May. The program offers accommodation and subsistence, project tutorials, group sessions between participants and master classes.

The aim of this initiative is to contribute to the development of a part of the creative process of writing the film script in the best conditions, facilitating the research, exchange of knowledge and mentoring of selected experts who guarantee the excel Writing, research and creation skills.

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