Institut Ramon LLull

Faberllull is launching a new call for applications for professionals

Coneixement.  Faber, Olot, 14/07/2021

Faberllull is a network of residences of arts, sciences and humanities located in the cites of Olot (Catalonia) and La Massana (Andorra) managed by the Institut Ramon Llull in collaboration with Olot's town council and the Governement of Andorra. It is a place for professionals from the Arts, Sciences or Humanities fields (writers, translators, artists of diverse disciplines, scholars and scientists and so on) come to work on their personal projects for a time.


Any professional with a project in one of the following lines of work or though:

--Contribution and innovation


--Talent and excellence

--Internationalization and cultural diplomacy

--Social and cultural return

We're launching a call for projects:

--That involve a group of no more than 10 people with a diverse background in terms of education, country of origin, age, sex, etc. with at least one resident in a Catalan-speaking area.

--That can be carried out in a maximum of 14 days.

--That deal with a key topic of contemporary debate (past residences have included religious beliefs, feminisms, educational innovation, diversity policies, cultural institutions, etc.) More examples are available on

--That include a proposal for at least two activities already agreed on with contacts in Catalonia to be carried out during the residency.


Fill in the form at here and attach:

--Letter of introduction and motivation (1 page)

--CV of applicant and proposed residents (2 pages)

--Project to be carried out during the residency (3 pages)

--Proposal with two possible activities candidates would have to find and agree to carry out during the residency (I page)

All the documents may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, English or French. Projects will be reviewed as they are received. The sooner you send in your application, the better your chance of getting a positive response.

Applications for the first half of 2022:

• Deadline: 23 September 2021

• Results announced: 7 October 2021

Applications for the last quarter of 2022:

• Deadline: 12 May 2022

• Results announced: 26 May 2022

For more information visit Faberllull.

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  • Un consorci de:

  • Generalitat de Catalunya Govern Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona

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