Institut Ramon LLull

La petita malumaluga presents 'Marceline' at ISPA Congress in NYC

Performing.  New York, 08/01/2024

La petita malumaluga's new production 'Marceline' will premiere in June 2024. With contemporary dance and live music, 'Marceline' works with dynamic projections, artificial intelligence and lighting that offers a journey through the life of Marceline Orbés, a catalog of historical clown numbers and an aesthetic reflection in this modern society and in the society of the beginning of the 20th century.

Marceline Orbés was born in Spain in 1873 and he established the lines of the modern clown language in London. He was, without any doubt, one of the key actors of the performing arts of his time and a creator of new performing formats. He was Charles Chaplin’s mentor and Buster Keaton’s reference. He filled two performances a day at the Hippodrome in New York, the largest theater of his time, where he was the main star. A few years later, the cinema appeared and replaced theatres as the reference of entertainment.

Some like Charles Chaplin, knew how to adapt to it, while others , like Marceline, met a tragic end and were forgotten. Eva is his great-granddaughter and ever since she is conscious, she has wanted to go on stage. No one has ever told her about Marceline, until her grandmother, in the last years of her life, explained her roots and why her parents wanted to discourage her from pursuing an artistic career.

La petita malumaluga: Marceline

Pitches on January 9 and 11, 2024

ISPA Congress, New York

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