Institut Ramon LLull

2025 Guidelines Now Available for Grants Supporting International Programming of Catalan Music and Performing Arts


This grant call is aimed at the international programming of artists outside of Spain in the fields of performing arts and music, as well as composition and performance of the Catalan repertoire for classical and contemporary music.

The grant is aimed to cover the fees and travel expenses of the programmed artists.

Eligible international programming entities (venues/festivals) need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The international venue/festival must have been operating for at least three years, counting from the year prior to the call.
  • The international venue/festival must programme at least three groups (from music and/or the performing arts fields). For performances of Catalan repertoire compositions commissioned by the venue, at least one performance must be programmed.
  • The applicant entity must pay the fees of the performing arts company and/or music group and/or composer. It must also cover any expenses not covered by the grant that are necessary for the performances (accommodation, transport for people and cargo, if necessary).

The application period will be open from February 24th to March 17th, 2025 (pending confirmation) for activities held from January 1st to December 31st 2025.