Institut Ramon LLull

 Maite Carranza


Geòrgia Picanyol

Maite Carranza

Maite Carranza (Barcelona, 1958) is a writer with over 30 years of experience and more than 50 published titles. Translated into more than 40 languages, she is among the Catalan authors with the greatest international presence. Her books for children and teens have earned her numerous awards.


Children’s and YA
La pel·lícula de la vida (What Life Brings). Cruïlla, 2016
Safari (Safari). Edebé, 2019
L'alè del drac (The Breath of the Dragon). La Galera, 2019
Camins de llibertat (Paths of Freedom). Edebé, 2018
Una bala per al record (A Bullet for a Memory). Jo Llibre (Santillana), 2017
El fruit del Baobab (The fruit of the Baobab). Edicions 62, 2013
Paraules emmetzinades (Poisoned Words). Edebé, 2010
La maledicció d’Odi. La Guerra de les bruixes (The Curse of Odi. The War fo the Witches). Edebé, 2007
El desert de gel. La Guerra de les bruixes (The Ice Desert. The War of Witches). Edebé, 2006
El clan de la lloba. La Guerra de les bruixes (The Wolf Clan. The War of the Witches). Edebé, 2005
La lloba grisa (The Silver Wolf). Edebé, 2023

Author's Works in Translation

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