Institut Ramon LLull

Aurora Bertrana


Iolanda Bethencourt
La Galera

Aurora Bertrana

Aurora Bertrana, daughter of the writer and painter Prudenci Bertrana, began her career as a musician, forming part of the first female jazz trio in Europe. She lived in Switzerland and Polynesia and traveled alone through Morocco. During the 1930s she became involved in leftist and feminist politics and shortly after, exiled in France, she experienced the ravages of World War II.

For Bertrana, literature and life were inextricable. She entered the literary world with travel books and she bid it farewell with two volumes of memoirs. The novels and stories she wrote—often about adventures, like Stevenson and Conrad—always were closely tied to her life. In a passionate, poetic voice, Bertrana bore witness to her times from a new perspective: that of an independent woman who lived her life unapologetically



Paradisos oceànics (Ocean Paradises). Proa, 1930
L’illa perduda (The Lost Island). Ela Geminada, 1935
Camins de somni (Paths in Dreams). Albertí, 1955
Tres presoners (Three Prisoners). Club Editor, 1957
La ciutat dels joves (The City of the Young). Males Herbes, 1971
Non Fiction
Marroc sensual i fanàtic (Sensual, fanatical Morocco). Rata Books, 1936
Memòries (Memoirs). Pòrtic, 1973

Author's Works in Translation

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