Institut Ramon LLull

Travel for Writers and Illustrators

Grant targeted at writers and illustrators of Catalan or Aranese literature


We would like to inform you that, pursuant to article 9 of Royal Decree 537/2020, of 22 May, which extends the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, administrative proceedings suspended  resume with effect from 1 June 2020.

The submission deadline for this application period is therefore 12 September 2020.


The applicant should consult the Grant Rules and the Grant Call, given that some changes have been made with respect to previous years. The application forms filled out must be from the current year 2020.

This summary is for information purposes only and is not legally binding.



To finance travel costs for writers and illustrators to carry out activities related to Catalan and Aranese literature outside the linguistic domain of both languages.


Writers and illustrators with published works in Catalan or Occitan (in its Aranese variety) languages.


Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:


Writers must have at least one work published (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama) written originally in Catalan or Aranese, in printed book format and with exclusive authorship.

Illustrators must have at least two works originally published in Catalan or Aranese.

Writers must be invited by a third part to participate in three types of activities: the presentation of works in translation, an event at an international literary festival and/or a stay in an international writers’ residency.

Illustrators must be invited by a third part to participate in two types of activities: the presentation of illustrated works originally written in Catalan or Occitan (in its  Aranese variety) and/or an event at an international literary/illustration festival.

The work to be presented abroad by the applicant should be one of his/her works, and not a work by another author.

The activity for which the subsidy is requested should take place within the period established in the Grants Call.


The writer’s and illustrator’s travel costs (plane, train, boat or intercity buses).


The minimum amount awardable is 200€ and the maximum awardable amount per application is 1,500€.

The grant covers from 80% to 100% of the total expenditure (depending upon the number of applications submitted and budgetary considerations).


The application must be submitted once the activity has been completed. At the time of requesting the grant, the proof of the expense will also be presented.

- Spanish applicants, self-employed individuals and legal entities:

-  Foreign applicants (self-employed individuals and legal entities) who have applied for a grant to the Institut Ramon Llull in the past.

- Foreign applicants (self-employed individuals and legal entities) requesting an Institut Ramon Llull grant for the first time. In this case, accreditation is required.The Ramon Llull Institut is responsible for generating and sending this after having verified the documentation accrediting the applicant’s identity.

The accreditation (user and password) is valid for five years from the date of issue, unless there is some change in the documents provided, of which the IRL must be informed.

Please take into account that you should request your accreditation at least 48 hours before the application deadline.

The accreditation

Aplication form


The Director of the Ramon Llull Institute will make a decision within a maximum period of six months from the date of the publication of the call.

If the maximum period has elapsed without a final decision of the procedure being issued and notified, applicants may consider their applications rejected due to administrative silence.

The decision does not exhaust the administrative process. An appeal can be filed with the head of the Department of Culture within one month from the date of publication.


    Documents can be consulted online at the IRL virtual office.

    Additional documentation, when necessary, and supporting documents can be uploaded to the website through the virtual office.


    General inquiries: Gemma Gil (

    Regarding the application process: Rosa Crespí (

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