Institut Ramon LLull

Research in Catalan Studies

Grants for researchers in Catalan Studies

This summary is for information purposes only and is not legally binding. The applicant should consult the Grant Rules and the Grant Call.


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You can access the PDF attachments below by downloading Adobe Acrobat.



    Awarding of grants to graduates of universities outside of the Catalan-speaking areas who are interested in training as Catalan Studies researchers in the humanities and social sciences in a PhD programme at a university outside the Catalan-speaking areas.


    March 3rd to April 15th 2025.

    Submission of applications will end at 23:59 on 15/4/25 (UTC/GMT+1)

    Queries will be answered until April 15 at 2:00 pm (UTC/GMT+1)


    • LINE A: Carrying out, within a PhD programme, an original research project with significant presence of topics related to Catalan Studies (including comparative studies) that the candidate will work on full time for no more than 36 consecutive months, starting from the beginning of the academic year 2025-2026
    • LINE B: Completing, within a PhD programme, an original research project with significant presence of topics related to Catalan Studies (including comparative studies) by writing a PhD thesis, which the candidate will work on full time for no more than 12 consecutive months, starting from the beginning of the academic year 2025-2026.



    Individuals enrolled or at least accepted into a PhD programme at a university outside the Catalan-speaking area who have earned a university degree at a university outside the Catalan-speaking areas in the 7 years prior to the call.

    Eligible expenses

    • The living allowance by geographic area established in Annex II of the rules for the beneficiary for the duration of the grant.
    • Enrolment fees for the university PhD programme, or academic supervision fees when applicable.


    Only one application is allowed per person and call.

    Line A grant recipients may apply for a line B grant only once, and in the call directly following the completion of their line A grant.

    Line B grant recipients are not eligible for either grant line in the future. 


    Applications and other formalities associated with the procedure for awarding grants and submitting justification documents must be submitted as follows:

    • Preferably online through the Institut Ramon Llull virtual office  with the designated form provided in the “Procedures” section of the Institut Ramon Llull Virtual Office.
    • Spanish residents online must provide authentication using e-signature systems: applicable signature system.
    • Non-resident applicants who submit applications online must identify themselves on the online system with a username and password, as per the Institut Ramon Llull e-signature and identification policy, by means of the idCAT Mòbil certificate or, in the case of persons residing in the European Union, also by means of a digital certificate.

    In case they haven’t been provided username and password before, they need to request an accreditation. If applicable, the time required for accreditation must be taken into account.


    The following documents must be submitted, as specified in the guidelines:

    1. Applicant’s motivation letter
    2. Applicant’s CV
    3. Description of the research project
    4. Research work plan
    5. Certified copy of the applicant’s degree
    6. Certified copy of the applicant’s academic record
    7. The contact details (name and email address) for a university researcher or faculty member who specialises in the proposed research topic to request a confidential report on the applicant’s suitability
    8. A report from the person who will be the supervisor of the thesis resulting from the research
    9. Proof of official enrolment at the chosen institution or acceptance into the programme.
    10. Applicant’s certificate of residence in the country of the university where the research is to be carried out.



    Applications should be completed preferably through the virtual office.

    Requested documents must be submitted in pdf format.


    The Director of the Institut Ramon Llull will issue a resolution within six months of the date of the grant call.

    If no final resolution has been handed down and notified by the time this period has elapsed, applicants are to interpret this administrative silence as a rejection of their applications.

    The publication or notification of the final resolution will state that it does not exhaust the administrative channels and may be appealed and that such appeals must be lodged with the Chair of the Institut Ramon Llull’s Board of Directors within one month of the day following publication of this resolution.


      Documents can be consulted online at the virtual office.

      Additional documentation, when necessary, and supporting documents can be uploaded to the IRL website through the virtual office.


      Raül David Martínez -

      Neus Crisol –