Institut Ramon LLull

Eva Baltasar


Bernat Fiol

Eva Baltasar

Eva Baltasar (Barcelona, 1978) has a bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy. Her debut in the literary world was in 2008 with the poetry book Laia, which won the Miquel de Palol Prize. After nine more poetry books, she published her first novel in 2018: Permafrost, which became a literary phenomenon and was awarded the Llibreter Prize. The second part of this trilogy, Boulder, also received the Òmnium award and was shortlisted at the International Booker Prize. The last volume, Mamut, was published in 2022. Baltasar’s books have been translated into thirteen languages and she has been a finalist of the French Prix Médicis and praised by the magazine Granta.

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Invertida (Reversed). Lleonard Muntaner, 2017
Neutre (Neutral). Bromera, 2017
Animals d'hivern (Winter Animals). Edicions 62, 2016
Vida limitada (Limited Life). Món de Llibres, 2013
Poemes d’una embarassada ( Poems from a pregnant woman). Pagès editors, 2012
Medi aquàtic (Aquatic Medium). Pagès editors, 2011
Dotze treballs (Twelve Works). Pagès editors, 2011
Reclam (Claim). Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs, 2010
Atàviques feres (Atavistic Beasts). Cossetània, 2009
Laia (Laia). Columna, 2008
Nus Schiele (Schiele Nudes). Club Editor, 2021
Boulder (Boulder). Club Editor, 2020
Permagel (Permafrost). Club Editor, 2018
Mamut (Mammoth). Club Editor, 2022
Ocàs i fascinació (Twilight and Fascination). Club Editor, 2024

Author's Works in Translation

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