Institut Ramon LLull

Jaguar’s Goodbyes

Bromera, 2021
128 pages
(15 x 22.2 cm.)
Children’s and YA : YA Fiction

Els adeus del Jaguar

Jaguar’s Goodbyes

Joanjo Garcia

"Els adeus del Jaguar brings to the fore and breaks the barrier of silence enveloping the sensitive topic of adolescent suicide."

In his tenth novel, Joanjo Garcia breaks the silence and the fear surrounding the subject of adolescent suicide, and does so in an unusually brave and straightforward manner through a character known as Jaguar.
One of the aims of the novel - among the other threads woven into the story - is to deal with the subject of mental illness in a natural manner and bring it out into the open in a way that could be of help those who suffer with that or know someone else who does.


Carol Borràs

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