Institut Ramon LLull

The Elephant in Glasses

Nandibú, 2023
32 pages
Children’s and YA : Picture Books

L'elefant amb ulleres

The Elephant in Glasses

Natasha Domanova

"A perfect album to talk about diversity and cooperation, that unexpectedly becomes an homage to imagination and reading"

Natasha Domanova tells us the story of an elephant in glasses that, one day, while walking distractedly, falls to the ground. Despite the advice of its friends, the elephant can’t get up: it can’t jump and doesn’t know how to fly or how to stretch its neck... One could say it does not know how to do anything! In the end, through the combined strength of its friends, the elephant stands up. But does he really not know how to do anything? Sometimes, magic lies in difference, and this elephant in glasses will make its friends look at the world with new eyes.


Sofia Di Capita
Antonia Kerrigan Agency

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