Institut Ramon LLull

Children of Eodhum Series 1. The Green Menace

Fanbooks , 2022
512 pages
Children’s and YA : YA Fiction

Sèrie Fills d'Eòdhum 1. L'amenaça verda

Children of Eodhum Series 1. The Green Menace

Roger Tarrés

"The first novel of a fantasy trilogy awarded the Catalan Booksellers’ prize, carries us to a medieval time with a heroic atmosphere while showcasing female leadership"

Young Àstrid is the protector of her village. She has blue eyes and the power to slow down time. When a bunch of green-eyed assassins kill her people, she decides to go all over the world in search of her sister, who luckily survived. During her journeys, she meets Rúnuc, a militiaman from Niburesh with red eyes and the gift of immortality, and Yagon, an ex-commander of Hímdor whom she starts to like. Her enemies plan to regroup everyone with different coloured eyes and special powers to reinstall the Great War between the kingdoms of Niburesh and Hímdor. Everything is ready for violence to break out. Will Àstrid be able to rejoin her sister, instil a sense of justice and halt the war plans of her enemies?


Inés Corral
Grup Planeta

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