Institut Ramon LLull

Josep Lluís Badal


Carlota Torrents
Asterisc Agents

Josep Lluís Badal

Josep Lluís Badal (Ripollet del Vallès, 1966) graduated in Catalan Philology and teaches Language and Literature. His works have been translated into many languages and he won the Serra d'Or Novel Prize in 2018.


Children’s and YA
Hopi (Hopi series). La Galera, 2016
Hopi. El misteri de la lluna (Hopi. The Mystery of the Moon). La Galera, 2016
Hopi. La imaginació de Mazzanti (Hopi. The Mazzanti’s Imagination). La Galera, 2016
Els llibres d’A (The books of A). La Galera, 2014
Jan Plata 6. La fi del món (John Silver 6. The end of the World). La Galera, 2016
Jan Plata 5. Unicorn (John Silver 5. Unicorn ). La Galera, 2015
Jan Plata 4. Els senyors del mar (John Silver 4. The Lords of the Sea). La Galera, 2016
Les aventures de Jan Plata. El misteri dels pirates (The adventures of John Silver. The Mistery of the Pirates). La Galera, 2013
Googol (Googol). Animallibres, 2021
Bergold (Bergold). Animallibres, 2023

Author's Works in Translation

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