La Galera, 2016
72 pages
(16x21,5 cm)
Children’s and YA : First Readers
Zuzanna Celej
Josep Lluís Badal
Hopi is a dog detective who shares his investigations and adventures with Ferran and Balbina, two kids who live in an orphanage. They are all novice detectives, but they’re quite brave and have good instincts. Hopi is a series of short novels for new readers, with a lot of dialogue, good pacing, and appealing plots, set in Great Britain and accompanied by Zuzanna Celej’s charming, tender illustrations. In the first title of the series, The Mystery of the Moon, Hopi, Ferran, and Balbina meet, join forces, and face horrible Professor Salami and the mystery of the missing underwear. They’ve worked together in eight more books since then.
Iolanda Bethencourt
La Galera
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