Institut Ramon LLull

Peter and the forest

Estrella Polar , 2015
58 pages
(24 x 27 cm)
Children’s and YA : Picture Books

En Pere i el bosc

Peter and the forest

Jaume Cabré
Júlia Sardà

"The Catalan author best known around the world leads the youngest readers on a magical journey into the forest."

Jaume Cabré, the most international author in Catalan literature, presents Peter, a little boy who goes into the woods one night to search for his missing toy fire truck. A number of forest animals help him to find the (sometimes magical) means to overcome obstacles and locate his prized possession. The artwork, by the gifted Júlia Sardà, beautifully complements the enormous qualities of the text, with fold-outs and cut-outs, and a palette of ochres that plays against the white of the page.


Teresa Pintó
Carmen Balcells Literary Agency

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