Institut Ramon LLull

About TRADUcat

This data base provides contact information on translators of Catalan literature who have recently-published translated works. This information is drawn from TRAC, a data base of translations of Catalan literature, and serves as a resource for those requiring information on literary translators who are currently active.

The data base can also include translators who have at least one work translated from Catalan to another language, in book format, and as the sole translator of that work. Translators can send us their name and contact information, in order to update our database. We welcome your comments, additions or corrections which may be e-mailed to us at: or Llull general email.

TRADUcat: Translators from catalan

You can see if the books are available in the library of the Institut Ramon Llull.

1 Results
Dustin Langan

Dustin Langan

He was born in the United States, he graduated in Near Eastern Languages ​​and Civilizations (Classical Arabic Literature) from the University of Washington and studied at the Paul Valéry III University in Montpellier, France. After receiving a Fulbright Fellowship to study Arabic manuscripts in Senegal in 1999-2000, he returned to the United States to do a master’s degree in African history at Northwestern University in 2001.

He worked as a translator-interpreter in Iraq from April 2003 to February 2004, where he was involved in the excavation of mass graves, the removal of landmines, debaatification interviews, the recovery of documents, the promotion of human rights and the provision of technical support to emerging civilian activists and Iraqi NGOs. He is the author of the novel Freedomization, which is based on his experiences.

After moving to Barcelona in 2004, he immersed himself in the Catalan language and culture, translating documents for numerous important institutions based in the city, from the main museums (MACBA, CCCB, MNAC) and universities and colleges (UB, UAB, LCI Barcelona, ​​Eurecat), to publishing companies (RBA, Casals, Combel), international organizations (UCLG, Metropolis), cultural entities (Institut Ramon Llull, Òmnium Cultural, Liceu Opera Barcelona, ​​Teatre Nacional de Catalunya) and local entities (Ajuntament de Barcelona, ​​Diputació de Barcelona), to name a few.

He has translated plays by Josep Maria Miró i Coromina (El principi d'Arquimedes; Fum; La dona que perdia tots els avions) and Lluïsa Cunillé (Al contrari!), as well as cookbooks by Albert Adrià and Albert Raurich (dos palillos; Tickets: Evolution), film and television scripts (Merlí; Positius; Et dec una nit de divendres) and innumerable academic articles, museum exhibitions and institutional reports.

He is especially interested in translating novels and plays from Catalan into English.
Target language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction , Theatre
Sample translation:

Última actualització: 11/01/2022 13:18

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