Institut Ramon LLull

About TRADUcat

This data base provides contact information on translators of Catalan literature who have recently-published translated works. This information is drawn from TRAC, a data base of translations of Catalan literature, and serves as a resource for those requiring information on literary translators who are currently active.

The data base can also include translators who have at least one work translated from Catalan to another language, in book format, and as the sole translator of that work. Translators can send us their name and contact information, in order to update our database. We welcome your comments, additions or corrections which may be e-mailed to us at: or Llull general email.

TRADUcat: Translators from catalan

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1 Results
Ilaria Sofia Perrino

Ilaria Sofia Perrino

Literary translator from Catalan, French and Spanish into Italian. She has a bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literature (La Sapienza Università di Roma), a master’s degree in Translation Studies (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and she is writing her master’s thesis on contemporary French literature for the Italian postgraduate course in Linguistic, Literary and Translation Studies (La Sapienza Università di Roma). She lived in Barcelona for three years, ​​where she worked as a translator and where she also attended a Professional Publishing Course at Taller de los Libros and a publishing internship with Penguin Random House. During her stay in Barcelona, she was lucky enough to be in contact with its literary and poetic life, which she fell in love with. After living in Berlin for four years, she has returned to Rome, where she collaborates with the Roman publishing house Ensemble as a translator and proof-reader for their poetry collection Siglo Presente.

She translated La città stanca by Maria Callís Cabrera and she has taken care of the proofreading of Niente è personale by Joan-Elies Adell and Il tubero by Anna Gual. She always updates her professional knowledge by regularly participating in literary translation seminars with important Italian translators (Matteo Lefèvre, Anna D'Elia, Ilide Carmignani). She is specialised in translating narrative, poetry and poetic essays, but she is interested in any form of literary translation. In fact, literature is her passion both for its existential and committed dimensions.
Target language: Italian
Genre: Fiction , Poetry
Sample translation:

Última actualització: 02/05/2023 11:48

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