Institut Ramon LLull

Storming the Bible

Fragmenta, 2023
aprox each book 80 pages
Non Fiction

Assaltar la Bíblia (Col·lecció)

Storming the Bible

Borja Bagunyà
Pilar Codony
Anna Pazos
Víctor Pérez i Flores

"A no-holds-barred, independent, and dogmafree rereading of the most famous Bible passages with an updated look at its literary legacy linked to contemporary debates"

This collection of brief literary essays plays unashamedly with the Christian imagery and goes beyond the specialist’s or devotee’s scope with a humanist and transversal understanding. The authors reflect on literary criticism, philosophy, or sociology, and propose new approaches to the Bible’s narratives.

Pilar Codony reviews Judeo-Christian tradition, the modern heteropatriarchy, and the climate crisis; Víctor Pérez digs into topics as wide and diverse as scapegoating in contemporary societies to pornography; Anna Pazos analyses the relationship between power and desire, the masculine and feminine eros; while Borja Bagunyà analyses the relationship between reality and consciousness as well as the implications behind the mechanisms of ordergiving and taking. A collection born under the conviction that the classics can allow us to rethink current-day challenges.


Ignasi Moreta

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