The Spotlight project is divided into two parts: the first is ‘Spotlight: Books in Catalan’, which will showcase Catalan culture at the London Book Fair (LBF). The second is the multidisciplinary ‘Spotlight on Catalan Culture in the UK’, which goes beyond the fair to bring Catalan culture closer to the general public.

Professional programme

Matchmaking sessions of professional meetings between the Catalan, British and American publishing sector will be held during the fair to encourage the sale of Catalan publishing rights. The selection of Catalan publishers and agencies to the professional programme will be supported by an ICEC grant scheme specifically created for the Spotlight project.
Participants: 11 publishers and agencies from the Fiction and Non-Fiction category and 10 publishers and agencies from the Children's and Young Adult Literature category and the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia (APIC).

Cultural Programme

The selection of the Catalan participants will be according to criteria agreed between the LBF, the Association of Writers in the Catalan Language (AELC), and the Catalan Council of Children's and Young Adult Literature (ClijCAT). The cultural programme is designed to be a dialogue between a selection of British writers and eight Catalan authors: Irene Solà, Sergi Pàmies, Marta Orriols, Borja Bagunyà, Eva Baltasar, Josep Maria Esquirol, Ainaa Bestard i Raül Garrigasait
We will focus on four genres: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's and Young Adult (YA) literature, and illustration.
The aim of the Spotlight project is to present a panoramic view of Catalan translations into English within an international context like the LBF, while at the same time promoting new translations.

Spaces at LBF

IRL and ICEC official stand (90,25 m2)

Professional programme area with 15 tables (56 m2)

Convention spaces dedicated to the cultural programme

focus sobre literatura catalana

31 Publishers and Literary Agents

Matchmaking Sessions

Illustrators exhibition

Catalan and British authors and translators conversations


From Edinburgh to Exeter and from independent bookshops to concert halls and lecture theatres, Catalan culture will be taking over the UK this spring


Spring 2022

The Institut Ramon Llull sees the LBF as the central point of the project and is preparing a programme of events in the United Kingdom from March to June 2022 to introduce the general public to Catalan culture.

Designed to introduce the general public to the richness of Catalan culture and heritage, and showcase the incredible offering of artists, authors and performers from Catalan-speaking territories, the Spotlight on Catalan Culture programme will give the chance to UK audiences to experience Catalan culture like never before.

    Wider campaign beyond the LBF of book presentations by authors in the Spotlight programme in collaboration with their British publishers.

    Cultural activities at UK universities that have courses in Catalan studies.

    Collaborations with prestigious UK cultural institutions and organizations to promote Catalan culture, including music, performing arts, performance poetry and cinema.

Check out the programme of events!

the program is updated weekly. follow us to see the latest news and confirmations!

Spanning Literature, Music, Visual and Performing Arts and Universities, the line-up of Spotlight on Catalan Culture in the UK feature more than 25 events across artforms from March to June 2022


  • Mandaruixa design
  • Mandaruixa design

Discover the UK’s Biggest Celebration of Catalan Culture This Spring


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